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Saint Gennaro, Caravaggio and Maradona, three iconic characters in Naples and none of them was Neapolitan!

2020-06-18 18:52

Dario Montanino

News, Napoli, cultura italiana, visit Naples , study Italian in Italy,

Saint Gennaro, Caravaggio and Maradona, three iconic characters in Naples and none of them was Neapolitan!

No matter if you are religious or not, if you don't like soccer and painting at all! You can't undrestand Naples without kowing a little bit about the


No matter if you are religious or not, if you don't like soccer and painting at all! You can't undrestand Naples without kowing a little bit about these three men! Why? What is the relationship among a Saint, a football player and a painter who lived in different historical periods? None, apparently! But in different ways their precence in Naples represents on the one hand the irrational personality of this city and its natural tendency to  welcome the foreigners and give them an opportunity on the other!Naples is really Italy in the extreme, it's a crazy city where a lot of contradictions live together: beautiness and squalor, richness and poverty, antiquity and modernity, criminality and generosity! Naples is a mixture of cultures where nobody is really outcast and foreigner!Eveything is weird, bizzarre and a little crazy is appreciated in Naples.Let's think to Diego Armando Maradona, the Argentine foootball player, who played for Naples team in the 80' and is still today object of veneration by Neapolitans... he was a drug-addict, sometimes a bad mannered man with no balance in his life but he is also remembered like THE football god for his talent, genius and courage to face the corruption in soccer politics. Even neapolitan children who have never seen him playing fotball, know Maradona as well because Naples is a city that doesn't forget.Let's think to Caravaggio, the great Italian painter who was a murderer and a violent man. He came to Naples twice to escape the justice and here he painted some of his masterpieces such as Le Sette Opere della Misericordia, la Flagellazione and il Martirio di Sant'Orsola.

A genius has not limits and rationality otherwise he's a scientist! At the end we have Saint Gennaro, the patron of Naples. Luckly he's not a murderer or a crazy man but an African who escaped because of terrible persecutions in his country to live and die in Naples. In Neapolitans' opinion his blood melts in a bulb twice every year but, if this doesn't happen, there will be bad luck for the city . According to the legend Saint Gennaro was also able to stop Vesivio's eruptions with his fingers hand. Still again a magician like Maradona and Caravaggio!


