Students sometimes ask what is the best place to learn Italian as well. Is it Milan? Is it Florence, Naples or maybe Rome?
The answer is actually very simple: there are no places better than others to learn Italian language because the best place is where you prefer!
Italy is all beautiful so that if you study Italian in the countryside, in the cities of art or along our beautiful coast it will be ok everywhere.
Some students all over the world are convinced that in Florence they can learn the purest variety of Italian but that’s not absolutely true because actually standard Italian doesn’t exist at all!
Maybe you can hear standard Italian on TV, on the radio, in the Italian schools or (not always) at university but in all Italian regions we Italians actually speak dialect or the so-called regional Italian, an Italian grammatically correct but with a local pronunciation.
There is also another option, which is very common in Italy, when we use in the spoken language the code-mixing and code-switching speech, by speaking partly in Italian and partly in dialect.
This happens all over Italy so there’s no the perfect place to learn Italian.
Then? Then you can choose the place you like the most, the place to which you feel more interest and attraction!
Naples, for example, has these characteristics: locals live in the city center so there isn’t a great process of gentrification and you’ll have the opportunity to be strongly involved in the local culture.
However, the most important factor you should consider if you decide to attend an Italian course in Naples is that Neapolitans love talking among them and to foreigners!
They are very proud if they listen to a foreigner student making an effort to speak Italian. They will help you because they want to share their experiences and opinions with you. They are inclusive and talkative because they are “sons of the ancient Greeks” and very extrovert. In this way Naples will give you the opportunity to be exposed to many inputs to learn a new language and culture.