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             Italian school for foreigners in Naples 

How to choose a good school if you really want to learn Italian!

2020-06-27 21:17

Dario Montanino

News, Italiano, learn Italian, study Italian in Italy, Italian courses,

How to choose a good school if you really want to learn Italian!

Studying Italian in Italy certainly is a good choice if you want to experience Italian lifestyle and find out more about the language really spoken by

  Studying Italian in Italy certainly is a good choice if you want to experience Italian lifestyle and find out more about the language really spoken by Italians.


This is not actually a great discovery because you can easily understand that being surrounded by Italians after classes is better than learning Italian in your own country maybe two-three hours a week.


At this point you are probably wondering what is the best option for you!

The offer is really huge and, needless to say, everyone tells you his/her school is no doubt the best! Sometimes that’s true, sometimes not!


First of all remember that all Italy has something interesting and specific to offer you so choosing that city, that town or any other location depends on your interests and particular needs.


In my opinion you should focus on some important issues before taking the right choice... I’ll try summarizing them as well as possible:


1) How many students per class will you find in this school?

10, 12, 15 students? Less students each class there are, the better you  can learn.


2) Can you read something about the school owner? Is or has been he/she a teacher?

Some school owners are simply great managers but they don’t    understand much about teaching and didactics. The consequence?    Imagine some cooks in a restaurant kitchen ruled by a person who      is not a chef!


Managers are mainly interested in economic issues about their schools and tend to treat you like a simple number, not much like a student! Sometimes they are not able to select their teachers because they never have been teachers before!


3) Reviews.

Are they authentic? For example: Sogno Italiano is a great school! I recommend it! This is probably a false review because students who appreciate a particular school usually write something more  enthusiastic and personal, right?


4) Quality of courses

Are there tailor-made Italian courses in the school you have chosen?

Are students provided with a good text book and extra teaching resources? Planning good lessons takes a of time and  organization for teachers because all students are different and need different schedules even in the same linguistic level! 

So if the teacher always follows the same program for all students, you know, going for example from page 1 to page 10 like a robot, then be sure that this language course won’t allow you to learn or improve your skills a lot.


5) False declarations

If I declare we have 4 or 5 classrooms it means we really have this! Be  careful! Ask for photos if you are not sure and confident about the school.


Ciao, I hope to have been helpful!


